
最后更新 :2023.04.17


In recent years, League of Legends has become one of the most popular online games worldwide. With its fast-paced gameplay and competitive nature, the game has attracted millions of players from around the world. One of the interesting things about League of Legends is that it is played in different languages depending on the region. In this article, we will explore how to write League of Legends in English.

Firstly, let's take a brief look at the game. League of Legends, commonly known as LoL, is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena game developed and published by Riot Games. The game was first released in October 2009 for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It is currently one of the most played games in the world with over 100 million active players each month.

To write League of Legends in English, we simply need to use the game's official name, which is "League of Legends." This is the name used globally and recognized by players all over the world. When referring to the game in writing or speech, it is common to abbreviate it as "LoL."

When searching for information or news about League of Legends in English, you may come across phrases such as "League of Legends Esports," "League of Legends Championship Series," or "League of Legends World Championship." These are all events and tournaments held by Riot Games that feature the best players from around the world competing for championship titles and prize money.

In addition to the official name, there are also various terms and phrases used in the game that are commonly used by players. For instance, "champion" refers to the playable characters that players can choose from to fight in the game. Each champion has unique abilities and skills that can be upgraded during the course of the game. Other commonly used terms include "minions," which are computer-controlled units that automatically spawn and march towards the enemy base, and "towers," which are defensive structures that players must destroy to win the game.

In conclusion, to write League of Legends in English, we simply use the game's official name, "League of Legends" or its abbreviation, "LoL." The game has become a global phenomenon and is played by millions of people worldwide. Understanding the common terms and phrases used in the game is important for new players and fans alike. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, League of Legends offers an exciting and challenging gameplay experience that is sure to entertain for years to come.

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